Daily Capricorn Horoscope August 01 (01/08)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

August 01


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

You might be aware of a growing sense of restriction in an area of your world, possibly due to someone dictating how an arrangement is going to be and leaving you with no choice other than to accept it. As one-sided as this might appear, try to see the logic and benefits to you of working within certain boundaries. What might feel as if its being enforced is for your own good, ultimately.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

When your ambitious side reveals itself, others are often very aware of it, and you could be focused intently on accomplishing something special now. The fact that others might not connect with or even accept your strategy shouldnt deter you. You know why youre pursuing a certain course of action and why it makes sense to do so. Time spent justifying your decision or actions is time that could be spent taking you closer to your goal.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

Sometimes, if we believe ourselves to be lost on a journey, it helps to stop and take stock of where we are or where we think we are. Other times, its more helpful to keep going a particular direction we believe to be the right one in the belief its only a matter of time before a sign appears to confirm we were on the right track after all. Where you have been feeling your way into a sensitive situation, this week brings a sign that youre on very much the right road!


summary capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

The cosmos appears keen to encourage you to consider a new or possibly second income stream and you can bring a greater sense of financial stability and security by applying your talents in new ways. Its the Full Moon in your sign on the 9th that brings much-needed clarity where releasing someone or something holding you back and delaying progress is concerned. Its time to break free from a hindrance or drain on your efforts and resources. One commitment near month end might make a dent in your bank balance but any worry will be short-lived.


health capricorn daily

Star 7/10

On the one hand, you see many of your strengths and feel pretty good about yourself. On the other hand, you feel the one nagging thing you haven\t been able to quite work out dragging you down. If you continue to compare yourself to others, you will create a real problem for yourself. If you use the positive to confront the negative within yourself, you stand a chance of a real breakthrough. Try to keep yourself centered through some aerobic exercise to keep the fresh blood flowing.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s planetary transit makes you highly sensitive to the needs of others. You would like to see those around you feeling good. Truly the most effective way of expressing this desire is to feel good yourself. Perhaps on your run today you will feel like smiling at other runners - connecting in that way that only people with sweat pouring down their faces can! Or, you may want to attend a yoga class where you can experience the \"group high\" of many people treating their bodies well.


health capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

If your fitness level isn\t as good as you\d like, there are a few tips you can use to maintain your fabulous looks. Regularly drink plenty of water. This clears out toxins and leaves your skin looking soft and glowing. Plenty of exercise is another way to make sure you look fantastic. And don\t forget passion. Make time for love as well as good health!


health capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

If the tendency over recent weeks has been to enjoy yourself to the max, then the coming weeks could see you taking a more disciplined approach to clean living. But with Venus moving into your lifestyle sector, on August 4, you might want to do this with others. Inviting friends to join you on jogs or perhaps to cook healthier foods can keep you on track. If youre eager to get fit and toned, it might also be because a key relationship demands it. If youre newly in love, its only natural to want to look and feel your best.


love capricorn daily

Star 10/10

News can travel fast, sometimes by way of a piece of gossip, or from a reliable source. What you never can be sure of is just how much the message has been changed in its passage from person to person. Today a piece of news concerning an individual toward whom you have romantic inclinations may seem wildly exaggerated. Best check it first-hand, before you get wild about them.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

Although you have a strong and grounded viewpoint, even you can get a little rattled when you are faced with the kind of dilemma you will have on your plate today. It needs some careful handling, and more than a little diplomacy. You are capable of this, but do need to watch out for your stubborn attitude that can put a block on any progress. Try and be flexible.


love capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

Do you have a special date to look forward to in the beginning of the week? Good for you for putting yourself out there! If not, tell friends what youre looking for and rely on them to set you up on a blind date. Youre searching for your dating doppelganger over the weekend, and it pays to be patient until you find him or her. Your perfect match is someone who has your same principles, morals, and work ethic.


love capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

A Capricorn Full Moon on August 9 puts a serious focus on your love life. Now that one phase has ended, youre free to set new (and preferably long-term) goals. Powerful Mars enters extroverted Leo on August 20, meaning passion and a desire for adventurous affairs drive the next six weeks. You can never let yourself act completely without thinking, but youre less prone to fussing over the details. You take your time communicating when Mercury enters earthy Virgo on August 25. Youd rather take an hour to respond to a text than hit send prematurely. Messages full of spelling and grammar errors are unacceptable.


career capricorn daily

Star 8/10

Your quick tongue, strong communication skills, and ability to make favor with people of different camps will be extremely valuable today. Bridging the gap between feuding personalities is extremely integral to your overall success.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

It may be difficult for you to put your full effort into your work since much of what you do conflicts with your current belief system. Consider how your piece of the puzzle fits with the overall global picture, and adjust your career path accordingly.


career capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

You\re likely to enjoy the support of people who are as active and direct as you. Talk to people. This is a powerful time to expand your sphere of influence. Co-workers and clients are more willing to go along with a plan or idea when they feel they have input and ownership of it. These are lucky days for teamwork. Be sure everyone understands the goals and expectations.


career capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

You could rise to the top of your profession in early August. The days around August 9 could mark a celebration in your honor. Get ready for your closeup! If youre leaving a position youve held for years, dont be too quick to move into a new role. You will fare better if you take some time to reflect on where you would like to be in the next year. On August 23, you could receive a handsome bonus or dividend for a job well done. Use this money to go on a luxurious vacation at the end of the month. You have earned it!



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