Daily Aquarius Horoscope December 27 (27/12)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

December 27


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 10/10

Detectives, and one in particular who wore a Deerstalker hat and smoked a pipe, are often seen to be examining crime scenes with a large magnifying glass. Back in Sir Arthur Conan Doyles day, CSI-level of forensic analyzing was a long way off but to get to the bottom of any solution, there comes a time when we need to stop thinking and start getting closer to the problem. A solution is beckoning now if youd cease pondering it and start looking at it more closely.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Stop dreamin and start driving! Those words and similar get said in action films, often as someone driving a getaway car sees panicked fellow gangsters returning from fleeing a crime scene. In a similar way, the cosmos is keen to bring dreaming on your part to a halt and for swift action to kick in. Dont see this as a reality check. See it as being spurred to do what needs to be done. Action is about to replace a calm and dreamy period of reflection and in the nick of time!


summary aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

Marss tense link with Uranus follows Saturns helpful and supportive link to the planet of change and innovation. The latter could help you see a situation in a more realistic light and become aware of whats required to bring about a potentially long-overdue change. Its the Mars/Uranus link that could present an obstacle to an otherwise flawless plan. Youre being pressured to take action but will likely be grateful for being pushed to do what you might not have done otherwise.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

With assertive Mars continuing to transit your sign until the 19th, whatever you set your mind to achieving stands every chance of success. On the 6th, Mars is joined by Venus and a combination of enthusiastic energy and charm will ensure you get your way, even with the most stubborn person. Perhaps, they wont be able to resist charisma youll be oozing? A Full Moon in your romance sector on the 13th could confirm how deep someones feelings for you really are.


health aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Todays atmosphere seems to make the world a safer place. Enjoy this feeling of "expansive caring" to the maximum. Start with getting your blood flowing with some kind of aerobic exercise. Then treat yourself to a dinner that includes organic produce: grown and consumed with the conscious intention of nourishing not only the body but the soul. You have the natural ability to tap into these positive energies, and the planets emphasize your idealistic perspective.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

With todays astral energy at play, you might feel driven by a cause. Just dont let it drive you crazy! The urge to fix things, and even people, can lead you down a path of frustration. Take the time and do some kind of exercise that creates a meditative state. Repetitive exercise such as that of a structured yoga class or a series of laps on a track can give you the distance that you need. You will feel more at peace with yourself, too.


health aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

There could be some interesting changes coming your way that alter your approach to life quite dramatically. You could be contemplating more extreme ways to tap into the excitement of life. You might be drawn to sports that have an element of danger. Needless to say, dont be too reckless.


health aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

Mars in your sign until December 19 may grant you the energy needed to make the most of the weeks ahead, but you may find that it peaks and wanes. If so, eat nutritious food as opposed to fast food to help sustain you through this holiday month. It would also help to feed your nervous system with oily fish and regular doses of magnesium oil, which can relax muscles as well as act as a potent de-stressor. Once the Sun edges into a quieter sector of your chart, on December 21, you may find that taking time out for yourself is the real restorative.


love aquarius daily

Star 7/10

You may find it difficult to resist someone who is totally and utterly wonderful to look at. The energy emanating from the planets makes you very aware of perfection, and you may find yourself drawn by the thought of such an awesome body. But bodies arent everything, as you are already aware, so try not to be totally mesmerized by this one. You are being tempted.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

The planetary configuration may seem to bring a touch of chaos to your life, yet it also delivers a little magic as well. Sometimes we know what we want, but we dont always know what we need. Today you not only discover what you really want, but also what you desperately need, just when it is accidentally taken away from you. Dont take love for granted!


love aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

Where does your love life rank on your list of priorities? Is it toward the top or has it fallen to the bottom of late? You can expect to see almost immediate rewards once you start to put in the effort. Boredom is a problem over the weekend, which probably means you arent being challenged enough. You know that person youve always thought was out of your league? No one is unobtainable.


love aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Venus enters your airy sign on December 7, and your romantic interactions take on a carefree, friendly feel. You arent interested in making a commitment so much as you are getting to know new people and learning what makes them tick. A Gemini Full Moon makes your mood unpredictable on December 13, and you tend to be fickle and indecisive. Good thing you dont have to make any major decisions now because youd be hard-pressed to choose one thing (or person) over another. An airy Jupiter/Venus trine on December 25 produces a fun, humor-filled mood for dating. Keeping things relaxed and casual is your main goal.


career aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Your productivity is high, and your relations with people in the workplace are phenomenal. Anything you want to accomplish today is within your reach - mostly thanks to the help, support, and advice of those around you. These relationships are gold.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

Todays energy is working in your favor. The success that you have been waiting for is at hand. The key to this has to do with having a more critical eye of your own work. Dont be afraid to condense and consolidate. The results will be phenomenal.


career aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

You may be challenged to accept a difficult or unfair situation with good humor. Stubborn people can be especially irritating. Youll want to be heard, and its possible that you wont feel appreciated. Things begin to ease soon. Friends can be especially supportive. Issues at home may interfere with your responsibilities at work. This may be a good time to ask for help. You dont have to do everything by yourself.


career aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

You could be celebrating a tremendous career high near December 13. Dont brush accolades under the rug. Youve worked hard and earned all this praise. Once an impressive deal is signed, word of your success will spread. Dont be surprised when people start asking for you by name. The end of the month will allow you to adopt a lower profile, which will come as a relief. Use the days surrounding December 26 to return phone calls, process paperwork, and file reports. Getting these small projects out of the way will clear the deck for a happy and prosperous new year.



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