Daily Leo Horoscope September 24 (24/09)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

September 24


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 7/10

Refusing to acknowledge and accept a particular fact or truth could do more harm than good, especially if it keeps you stuck in a state of limbo. Dont be fearful of change that will accompany accepting what needs accepting now. Although you might need to revise a plan in the light of it, you could start to see it as the first necessary step to a long-overdue change.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your self-expression and creativity are both being given a boost, helping you to find a new solution to an old problem. Previous obstacles to success might have surrounded how you were conveying yourself at the time, and how determined you were to stick with what was tried, tested or traditional. Youre being encouraged to express your individuality now. A problem can be short-lived as a result.


summary leo weekly

Star 7/10

A situation in your world can be likened to a finish line being in sight but you feeling inclined to take a breather and assess how far youve come before making the final effort to finish. Why stop now? There will be plenty of time to assess your journey once youve completed it! Summoning the final bit of effort needed to cross the finish line be difficult but it needs to be done and can be done! Then, you can bask in your deserved success.


summary leo monthly

Star 7/10

If youve felt recently that a cherished ambition was dangled cruelly in front of you and out of reach, then coming weeks could make it possible for you to grab it with both hands. Your passion levels are focused on something or someone to encourage a new and exciting chapter to commence. Dont rule out ways in which destiny is helping to take you to a stage in life that you need to be at. All eyes could be upon you, but for all the right reasons. This is a month of well-deserved praise and recognition - and in more than one area of your world!


health leo daily

Star 9/10

This period is all about transformation, something you will be particularly well adapted to do, using the positioning of the planets as a safety net to make the emotional changes you need in your life. Try to separate the chaff from the wheat, so to speak, and concentrate on the relationships that give you sustenance. Likewise, choose to eat what gives you strength rather than what takes away your strength. Getting enough rest is imperative when you are living life to the fullest.


health leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Intensity is not your way, although it might be recommended if you are beginning to feel sick lately. For example, you may want to consider intensifying your consumption of water, something highly recommended at this time. Try making it a habit to drink a couple of glasses of warm water before your morning coffee or tea. To further hydrate and nourish your cells, invest in a juicer and make healthy drinks from fresh fruits and vegetables.


health leo weekly

Star 10/10

You\re fine and healthy as long as you can talk about whatever bothers you. When you can\t, the problems start. Your system doesn\t seem to thrive on secrets, especially toxic ones. The sooner you can deal with those, the better you\ll feel. The same holds true if you\re in denial about any aspect of your life and trying to put up a brave front. Let it all go.


health leo monthly

Star 7/10

You could find that with disciplined Saturn, your health planet, in a more creative and sporting sector, activities that require fitness and endurance appeal to you. Hiking a demanding trail or setting a bold fitness target could give you something to aim for, and you might enjoy the challenge besides. If that isnt your style, you might find other forms of exercise, such as Pilates or resistance training, another way to channel excess energy. Once potent Pluto turns direct in your wellness sector, you could turn your attention to ways to enhance your body and change it for the better.


love leo daily

Star 8/10

Today you have every reason to look forward to the future. That very, very special person whom you have had your eye on for some time becomes free, up for grabs, and available for dating and lots more. How can you resist the temptation placed before you? But then again, when have you ever bothered to resist before?


love leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

You love to try anything new and different, especially if it involves travelling. The energy of the day may mean that on one of your journeys you meet someone who instantly appeals to your ability to conquer all and sundry. But even if the occasion does not turn out to be particularly romantic, it will have educational value. You will learn something you truly never knew before.


love leo weekly

Star 9/10

Starting over is a daunting task at the start of the week, but you have very few other options. Not many people get do-overs, though, so take full advantage of this one. Your emotions are all over the place at the end of the week, and getting to the root of why your love life is so tumultuous is key. If you dont figure out the reason behind your dating mistakes, youre doomed to keep repeating them.


love leo monthly

Star 8/10

You shine as dynamic Mars in your sign trines unique Uranus on September 2, and you love to be illuminated. You get lots of romantic offers, but perhaps only a couple that are appealing. A Venus/Saturn trine on September 12 sets you on a search for your next committed relationship, but again, you may get more advances from those you dont think worthy. Should you consider lowering the bar or be patient a while longer? Murky Pluto turns direct on Sept 28, and as the darkness lifts, it gets harder and harder to remember why you were so distraught over an ex. Hindsight is always 20/20.


career leo daily

Star 9/10

Take a look at the people around you and ask yourself how they are influencing you and your choices. Your tendency is to fall into a rhythm that other people have established. Ask yourself if you want to end up like those you associate with.


career leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Look beyond the surface in order to find the hidden meaning in people\s words and actions. Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes using niceties and flattery. Don\t be fooled. What seems true at first may not hold any merit at all.


career leo weekly

Star 8/10

Get as much done as possible early in the week. People will be especially helpful. Midweek can be stressful, especially if you\re forced to tolerate other people\s strong opinions. Do your best to smile and find humor in stubborn situations where you don\t feel appreciated. You might experience a distracting work-related flirtation. This can also be a time when you\d rather play than work. If possible, plan a short holiday soon.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

You could receive a bonus in early September, when an enriching full moon brings financial rewards. Take this chance to indulge in some creature comforts. When you enjoy the fruits of your labor, you can reach even greater professional heights. Resist the temptation to work around the clock. It will only burn you out. You could be working on a thankless assignment around September 20, when the conflicted new moon limits your financial opportunities. Not only will the pay be shoddy but youll also have to deal with a hypercritical client. Theres a good chance youll hear complaints no matter how accommodating you are. The sooner you finish this job, the happier youll be.



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