Daily Gemini Horoscope February 28 (28/02)


May 21 − Jun 21

Alias: Alias: The Twins

February 28


daily gemini horoscope:

summary gemini daily

Star 10/10

Facing or confronting a fear might not bring instant transformation to a situation but it will definitely bring a massive change to your attitude. Its by seeing a daunting scenario in a more realistic and sensible light that a fear can be overcome or banished. Summon a bit of courage to accept a certain truth and youll see how harmless is really is.


summary gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

The more you try to gain or retain control of a situation, the more it has a mind of its own and shows how unwilling it is to be steered. The current backdrop is a volatile one and just as youre getting comfortable with an arrangement or equilibrium, it can alter or shift with no warning. For now, simply go with the flow, let chaos subside and keep your sense of humor intact!


summary gemini weekly

Star 7/10

A New Moon Solar Eclipse in your status and career sector could make this a week to remember as a professional opportunity presents itself. Your ruler, Mercury, is extremely active in this same area, increasing communication and interactions in the professional arena. With creative and compassionate Pisces hosting this celestial activity, if youve been considering a career change that makes better use of a creative talent or involves caring for others, it could manifest soon.


summary gemini monthly

Star 7/10

Venus will be influencing your solar sector of friendships and networking and you could be delighted at friendships that get formed or revived during coming weeks. What transpires around the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th could give you plenty to consider, especially as contracts and negotiations could feature at this time. If the Lunar Eclipse didnt involve a creative talent you possess, then the Solar Eclipse on the 26th might! A new professional opportunity beckons.


health gemini daily

Star 8/10

With today\s planetary energies, you are feeling at the center of a lot of attention, and this adds a sense of an emotional burden. Stay tuned to your emotions even when you don\t feel so great - it only makes it worse if you try to escape negative feelings. Exercise is a great way to keep the heaviness at bay - and certain kinds of exercise help more than others when times are tough. Follow your intuition, but weight-lifting, stretching and quick sprints are recommended.


health gemini tomorrow

Star 8/10

With today\s position of the heavenly bodies, you are probably experiencing something emotional in your home life. Februarybe you\ve had to move, or you\ve been doing an unending remodeling project, or you\ve had a child and home life hasn\t been the same since. To give yourself the necessary perspective to get through this transit, take yourself out of the house for a little fun! Exercise is the best thing to do when you are feeling \"cooped up\".


health gemini weekly

Star 10/10

You\re motivated to focus on getting your body in shape. There could be a few difficult days in which you feel emotional. The aspects could leave you feeling drained. If you have a lot to do, try to delegate some tasks. You need to relax and process your emotions. You\ll feel better in a few days.


health gemini monthly

Star 8/10

February\s first week could encourage you to let go of a particularly difficult situation that has generated more than its fair share of toxic emotions. Releasing these first could go a long way toward helping you feel lighter, brighter, and less burdened. When it comes to your physical health, your ruler Mars is now at home in Aries, so your energy could be quite buoyant. Even so, with an active social scene showing up, you might benefit from making time to eat well, rehydrate with plenty of fresh water, and enjoy regular and adequate sleep.


love gemini daily

Star 9/10

The present planetary aspect brings love and romance to your door. This is not a time when you should think of staying at home; it is most definitely an opportunity to get out and learn something new. It could even be that while attending a course of study, you meet someone who really impresses you with their knowledge. They will certainly be impressed by yours, as well.


love gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

Today\s planetary alignment makes this a real candlelit day - a time when you can create a wonderful atmosphere of romance in your home, and invite the object of your desire to share in it. Use aromatic scents, soft lighting, and wonderful food to woo your love interest into a state of submission. Try every trick in the book if you have to, as one of them is bound to work.


love gemini weekly

Star 8/10

Are your dates focusing too much on what you can give them materially rather than mentally or emotionally? If you\re feeling taken advantage of at the beginning of the week, stop asking people out. Being alone might be better than being with the wrong person, at least for now. There\s a lot of good energy around you at the end of the week, but you\re having a hard time being hopeful. What\s really going on in your heart?


love gemini monthly

Star 7/10

Jupiter in Libra spins retrograde on February 5, and the emphasis of your love life becomes slightly out of focus. What are your goals, hopes, dreams? It might be a while before you can get back on track. The Sun enters sympathetic Pisces on February 18, when you\ll have to shift from the logical to the emotional. It isn\t an easy transition, but your love life can benefit from a bit more compassion. Mars and Uranus meet aggressively on February 26, and you have the urge to do something new or unconventional. You\re single, so you don\t have the same limits you\re attached friends do.


career gemini daily

Star 10/10

Overall, this is not the best time of year for you, and this is certainly being reflected in your work. Keep in mind that this difficulty can be made easier today when you talk frankly with someone you trust. Discussing your fears will ease them.


career gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

People will be singing your praises today, and rightly so. You are a wonderful asset to have in the workplace. Although you may not be the hardest worker, you are creative, artistic, and you are extremely good at communicating with others.


career gemini weekly

Star 10/10

This may be the best time for finding a new job or upgrading your current position. If you want to make a good impression, swallow any fears or concerns and be your most confident self. You can support anyone who is interested in doing a better job now. Helping co-workers can be particularly enjoyable. It will be very important to have clearly defined roles. Friendly competition can make you more effective.


career gemini monthly

Star 7/10

A Lunar Eclipse on February 10 could mark the successful conclusion of a contract. Once this deal is done you can strike a much better one. The negotiation process will be lengthy, so dig in your heels and don\t get discouraged. Toward the end of the month a Solar Eclipse could attract an exceptional career opportunity. Taking a high-profile position at a nonprofit organization or cultural institution will be a feather in your cap. Make sure to emphasize your versatility and flexibility when interviewing for this position. The powers that be are looking for someone who can roll with the tide.



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